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Is design the right career for me?

Is design the right career for me?

BITSDES Editorial Team · January 26, 2024

Is design the right career for me?

BITSDES Editorial Team · January 26, 2024

Aeons ago, Confucius had said it's all about doing what you love. And not so long ago, Steve Jobs shared with the world that the only way to do great work is to love what you do. These two statements emphasise on putting into perspective the importance of picking the right career. At this juncture in your life, as you take the first step towards shaping your future, you must make the right choice.

It is a decision that will define how motivated you are every morning to hop off your bed and take on the challenges that life puts across your way. If the open-ended creative field of design is what you have on your mind, you must be all the more critical.

Here are some questions to help you make a well-thought-through decision. Your answers will be your compass directing you towards the right professional destination.

Do you prefer expressing ideas visually and creating visual representations of your thoughts and concepts?

Prefer doodling over speaking or find that sketching concepts is the best way to comprehend and retain information. If visual thinking feels natural, then design might be your true calling.

Would you often challenge norms with your creativity?

Among the many attributes, having an innovative mindset and a true passion for creativity are critical. If exploring fresh ideas and the strong drive to make things look better bring you joy, then a career in design might be the perfect way to channel your creative energy.

Is problem-solving a fulfilling activity for you?

Design is about finding and solving problems, whether they're aesthetic, functional, or emotional. Designers assess problems, research contexts, generate ideas, test solutions, and keep refining until they accomplish the desired outcome. If you love to solve problems and overcome challenges creatively, then you could make a mark for yourself in the sphere of design.

Do you have a keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail?

In the world of design, these qualities are invaluable, as design is based on aesthetics and visual appeal. A strong sense of what looks visually pleasing is an advantage in this field.

Do you enjoy collaborating with diverse teams and working on interdisciplinary projects?

Designers seldom work in isolation. They need to be able to communicate and collaborate effectively with their clients, users, teammates, and stakeholders. They need to display the ability to present their ideas, explain their thought-process, listen to feedback, and incorporate it into their work. If the idea of working together with diverse teams excites you, then design could be a great fit.

Do you welcome constructive criticism and use it to improve your work?

Creativity is subjective and often brings feedback. Designers need to have the ability to not just accept criticism positively but use it to enhance their designs.

Would you love to embark on the journey of continuous learning and self-improvement?

The field of design is ever-evolving and requires you to adapt to new tools, software, and emerging technologies. This dynamic field can be your playground if you are comfortable with the idea of constantly learning and staying updated on design trends and technology.

Are you patient and persistent, willing to revise and refine your work until it meets the desired standards?

The craft of design is a process that involves multiple iterations and refinements. Patience and persistence in perfecting your work are essential qualities for a successful designer.

Can you adapt your design approach to suit the preferences and cultures of a diverse audience?

With global boundaries blurring, designers often work with diverse audiences with varying cultural preferences. With the versatility of adapting your design to effectively engage with audiences, you can excel in your career as a designer.

Use these questions as a way to reflect on your interests, strengths, and aspirations to determine whether a career in design is the right fit for them. Allow us to further help you get clarity by listing down some of the essential traits and skills one requires for a successful career in design:



Attention to Detail



Technical Proficiency


Time Management



Presentation Skills

Continuous Learning

Cultural Awareness


Every great design begins with an even better story.
 — Lorinda Mamo

On that note, as you start the journey of designing your career, we suggest that you begin with a great story, about passion and ambition.

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